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Testing on RU

azuma mimoto: Switching from TU to RU

The following is required to switch from an already working TU-Integration to RU:

  • See documentation for the correct URLs under: REF/RU URLs
  • Log in to developer dashboard on RU. You should see the same Relying Parties as on TU. Configure applications on those Relying Parties in the same way you did on TU.
  • Change the TU-Urls to the RU-URLs.
  • Change the RelyingParty-ID if you are retrieving the IDP list from our API.
  • Do not check the box "Mobile application mock gematik IDP", as for gematik IDP, the gematik Authenticator app needs to be used

This should be sufficient to change from TU to RU.

Tests with the gematik IDP / Authenticator

gematik: Pre-Requirements

The following steps needs to be taken by you to test the Health-ID flow on RU with the gematik IDP:

gematik Authenticator

To download the gematik Authenticator please visit

gematik X-Auth-Header

To use the gematik Authenticator a special secret value (the so called X-Auth-Header) is required. The reason is posted in the FAQ under 1.2.

To receive the X-Auth-Header, please send an Email to (Also see (Point 3)).

Once you have the X-Auth-Header value, please set it in the gematik Authenticator App and restart the App.

Testing flow on RU with gematik IDP

During IDP-selection, please select the gematik IDP. This should open the gematik Authenticator, that should look similar to:

Important: The list of available claims should not be empty! If it is empty, there is most likely an issue with X-Auth-Header value. If you recently set it up, please also try to restart the Authenticator.

After clicking on Accept, you should be redirected to your Application.