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Developer Portal

The azuma mimoto Developer Portal can be found at the following urls:


  1. Developer Tenant: To log in to the azuma mimoto Developer Portal you need an azuma doa Account assigned to a Developer Tenant. The easiest way to get started is to contact us, and we will create the Developer Tenant and send an invitation.

On the lower environment (PIE) you can create a new Developer Tenant yourself.

  1. To get started, a Relying Party setup is required. There are currently two ways we can set up a Relying Party:
  • Simulation: To initially evaluate azuma mimoto you can integrate against a simulated federation flow. There are no costs attached to such an evaluation.
  • Gesundheits-ID: The full integration within the Gesundheits-ID (where your Application is registered with the gematik Federation Master)
  1. Application configuration (done by you, see below)

Developer Portal

Relaying Parties overview

Screenshot: Overview over all available Relying Party entities:


As stated in the note, a Relying Party can currently only be created/modified by us as all changes need to be synchronized with the Entity Statement within the federation.

Relying Party details

Screenshot: Details of a Relying Party:

Screenshot: Details of a Relying Party (Applications View):

All Applications can be created/modified by you as needed.

Application creation / update

Screenshot: Create Application

Application details

Screenshot: Details of a Relying Party Application: